Bir İnceleme C# IEnumerator Kullanımı

NPSF3000NPSF3000 2,4411515 silver badges2020 bronze badges 5 In my real code I'm doing network level loading, and I kişi supply a prefix-value for all networkview objects, which should be incremented every time a new level is loaded. This is to prevent old-calls from the previous level affecting the new loaded level.

Ryan LundyRyan Lundy 208k4141 gold badges183183 silver badges214214 bronze badges 3 4 Then why do we need this IEnumerable abstraction, if the only thing it does is just provide an access to Enumerator? Why don't just use Enumerator instead

1 @JimBalter technically it doesn't define any classes. The code is syntactic sugar for a code construct that defines two classes and those two classes and then removed again because classes a compile time construct.

Koleksiyonda öğe ekleme, değişçiliktirme yahut silme gibi değişiklikler kuruluşlırsa, numaralandırıcının davranışı tanılamamlanmamıştır.

They can be lazy. This is a subtle, useful (and sometimes dangerous) property. We don’t calculate any values until MoveNext is called, meaning we defer the work of generating the collection until we iterate the collection.

Bir dahaki sefere versiyon yaptığımda C# IEnumerator Temel Özellikleri kullanılmak üzere girişimı, e-posta adresimi ve web kent adresimi bu tarayıcıevet kaydet.

– zneak Commented Aug 1, 2012 at 4:50 I only want it to change when I increment it in Wrapper. In my code there is a value that needs to be incremented once and only once before the code is called, so I C# IEnumerator Kullanımı wanted to wrap it up so I wouldn't accidentally forget to do that at some point and introduce hard to trace bugs. (Updated the question to be a bit clearer C# IEnumerator neden kullanmalıyız in that regard, thanks!)

If you're writing your own IEnumerator, you should certainly provide the IEnumerable. C# IEnumerator Kullanımı And really it's the other way around ... an IEnumerator is intended to be a C# IEnumerator nerelerde kullanılıyor private class that iterates over instances of a public class that implements IEnumerable.

Bu özellik, mânialı kullanıcılar için görüntülük şarkıcı nominalmlar yahut başka yardımcı teknolojiler aracılığıyla kullanılabilir.

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In the code below, MyArray is an array of MyType objects. I'd like to obtain MyIEnumerator in the fashion shown,

This continues up to the max of course.. at which point the returned enumerator says it başmaklık no more items

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